Nestled in the heart of the historic Old Town of Vilnius is the ISM University campus. It housed in buildings owned by the Archdiocese of Vilnius. In 2012 the Archdiocese began renovation of a building on campus with the intent that it become a tavern serving alcohol. Yet ISM University needed a student center and cafeteria, which they lacked. LT Campus together with the local community and well known Lithuanian celebrities – including Andrius Mamontovas, Zydrunas Savickas, Martynas Levickis – appealed to the Archdiocese requesting them not to allow alcohol to be served in the newly renovated space. The Archdiocese should be concerned with student wellness. Yet in reality they were more interested in generating maximum lease payments. Our initiative required intense efforts. We persevered and successfully convinced the Archdiocese to include a clause in the lease which prohibited the sale of alcohol. A student café was opened in the premises. The building has since been converted to ISM office and classroom space.


Asociacija “LT Campus”
Įmonės kodas 302915900
IBAN: LT04 3500 0100 0101 9140
Bank code: Paysera 35000
Bank: UAB ‘Paysera LT”